• Faculty
  • Jeanie Murphy
  • Jeanie Murphy

    ProfessorSpanish and Latin American Studies

    Originally from New Jersey, Jeanie Murphy is a Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. She completed her doctorate, with a specialization in contemporary Latin American Literature, in 2000 at the University of Arizona in Tucson. At Goucher she teaches a broad range of survey and thematic courses that incorporate history, gender studies and cultural studies into the study of literature. Some of her recent seminar courses include: “El poder de la palabra: Women Writers in Latin America”; “Art and Revolution in Latin America”; “Latin American Theater: Reading and Performing”; and “Latin American Literature and the Environment”.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Dr. Murphy’s areas of research include contemporary literature and theatre of the Southern Cone and the Caribbean with a particular emphasis on gender and cultural studies. Her articles and reviews have appeared in edited volumes as well as Hispania, The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Delaware Review of Latin American Studies, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies and Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. She has also co-edited a forthcoming volume entitled Written in the Water: The Image of the River in Latin/o American Literature.


    “Cuban Literature in the Twenty-first Century: Jorge Cápiro and Adrian Pernas Re-imagine Cubanidad.” MIFLC Review. Fall 2020. Vol. 20.

    “Poetics of an Unmitigated Memory: Nancy Morejón’s Moorings and Motherings” in One Love: Writings on Caribbean History, Literature, Art and Culture, Irline Francois, editor. Cambridge Scholar’s Publishing, February 2018.

    Written in the Water : The Image of the River in Latin/o American Literature. Co-edited with Elizabeth Rivero. Lexington Books, December 2017.

    “Poetics of an Unmitigated Memory: Nancy Morejón’s Moorings and Motherings”

    “Personal and National Memory of Dictatorship : La buena educación by Liria Evangelista .” Delaware Review of Latin American Studies. Vol. 13, No. 1.

    “Through the Eyes of the Child : The Narrator in Balún Canan. ” Female Narrators in Latin American Literature. Eva Paulino Bueno and Maria Claudia Andre, editors. New York : McFarland.

    “Reading, Representing and Recreating Latin American Theater : Collaborative Experiences of Language and Cultural Learning.” Dramatic Interactions : Teaching Languages, Literatures and Cultures Through Theatre. Colleen Ryan-Scheutz and Nicoletta Marini-Maio, editors.  Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishers.

    “That Isn’t All : Angélica Gorodischer and the Anti-Fairy Tale. ” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association. Vol. 42, No. 1.

    “Rosario Castellanos.”  Latin American Women Writers: An Encyclopedia, Eva Paulino Bueno and María Claudia Andre, editors. New York: Routledge.

    “Apuntes acerca de la enseñanza de la literatura latinoamericana en el extranjero.” El Fomento del Libro y la Lectura / 6, Fundación Mempo Giardinelli, Resistencia, Argentina.

    El sí de las niñas de Leandro Fernández de Moratín,  Introduction and footnotes. Newark, Delaware: Cervantes & Co., Spanish Classics Series.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “Decolonizing Curriculums and Liberal Arts Institutional Projects: The Marriage of WGS and Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures”, National Women Studies Association Conference (NWSA), Montreal, Canada, November 2016.

     “Nancy Morejón: Retracing the Maternal”, Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC), Charleston, South Carolina, November 2015.

    “The Personal Poetics of Nancy Morejón”, Annual Conference of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Toronto, Canada, April 2015.

    “The River as Political Quagmire: Mempo Giardinelli’s Imposible equilibrio”, Annual Conference of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Harrisburg, PA, April 2014.

    “Balún Canán: A Child’s Narration of Personal and Political Upheaval”, XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Washington, DC, May 2013.

    Invited Talks

    “El inglés en el curriculum: Destrezas y Desarrollo”, Decimosexto Foro Internacional / International Forum por el Fomento del Libro y la Lectura, Resistencia, Argentina, August 2011.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Latin American Studies Association

    National Women Studies Association

    American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

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